Donate to Project Sunflower

Donate to Project Sunflower Today!

A 501c3 non-profit organization, Project Sunflower was established in 2019 by Kelly Bonifas, a Nebraska native who lost her mother to early onset Alzheimer’s disease. Kelly’s hope is to provide education, awareness, emotional support, and funds to those individuals and caregivers fighting Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias.

Project Sunflower assists patients and caregivers that reside in Adams county Nebraska. Assistance is offered through several methods such as financial assistance for respite care, medications, medical bills and household expenses.

* 501 C 3 application is pending process.

Donate To Project Sunflower

Donate to Project Sunflower to Spread Awareness

Project Sunflower

Thanks for visiting Project Sunflower

Project Sunflower was formed to inspire hope and contribute to individuals and caregivers affected by Alzheimer's disease and other dementias.

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  • Hastings, NE


  • 402-902-2673